Mary Hoard Art Show

Fort Knitting Club

Garden ED

Join our team! The Hoard Museum is hiring a Marketing and Outreach Coordinator.


Upcoming Events

Full Event Calendar
All programs listed are free and open to the public.

Call the Museum Office at (920) 397-9914 for more information.

Wednesday, March 19, 5-7 p.m.: Opening of the Mary Hoard Art Show: Part I, Kindergarten – Grade 8
Awards at 6:30 p.m.
The Show is open through Saturday, March 29

Friday, April 4, 9 – 10:30 a.m.: Morning @ the Museum Early Learners Program
Theme: Celebrate Earth Day

Wednesday, April 9
10 a.m. – Fort Atkinson Literary Circle
For this meeting we will be discussing The War of 1812 in Wisconsin: The Battle for Prairie du Chien by Mary Elise Antoine

6:30-8 p.m. – Fort Knitting Group
Crocheters, Embroiderers, Cross-Stitchers, and any other hand-crafted fiber art welcome!

Saturday, April 19, 2 p.m.: “Foster House Herb Garden: New Designs with Herbs of the Yankee Settlers” Garden Education Program presented by Cheryl Rezabek, Foster Garden Docent

Mary Hoard Art Show Information and Registration Forms

Come visit the Hoard Historical Museum to discover the people and events that make up Fort Atkinson’s history. Throughout the museum you’ll discover our area’s local history through our impressive collection of artifacts, artwork, and family friendly activities.

♦   Here you can relive the 1832 Black Hawk War and learn about General Henry Atkinson and the Sauk Warrior, Black Hawk. In the Lincoln Era Exhibit, you can discover Abraham Lincoln’s involvement in the Black Hawk War and learn about his only military experience before becoming Commander-in-Chief.

♦   Step into our immersive Mysteries of the Mounds gallery to explore the history and culture of the Native Americans of the late Woodland period. Take a peek inside a replica keyhole pit house to see how they survived and thrived in Wisconsin.

♦   You will find out how “Fort Atkinson” came to be and explore the contributions of two remarkable locals: William Dempster Hoard, the father of American dairying and Wisconsin Governor; and Lorine Niedecker, world famous poet.

♦   Explore the impact of Lake Koshkonong in our Duck Hunting on Lake Koshkonong exhibit and find out why Fort Atkinson was once referred to as the “Chesapeake of the West.”

Visitors will also enjoy The National Dairy Shrine’s Museum, which features a multimedia show that captures the sights and sounds of dairy farming: past, present, and future.


The Hoard Historical Museum and National Dairy Shrine are located at
401 Whitewater Avenue
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538

(920) 397-9914
[email protected]

The Museums are open
9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Free! Donations gratefully accepted.

Donations Accepted! There is no admission charge to visit the Hoard Museum. A suggested cash donation of $5.00 per person or $10.00 per family helps us preserve and share the history and cultural heritage of the Fort Atkinson area. Thank You!

