The Hoard Museum Staff
All staff may be reached by phone at (920) 397-9914 or by mail at 401 Whitewater Avenue, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538.
Museum Director and Curator: Merrilee Lee
Assistant Director: Dana Bertelsen
Volunteer Coordinator: Cheryl Rezabek
Operations Assistants: Linda Ager, Beverly Dahl, Brandon Thornton
Maintenance: Doug Richter
Collections Manager: Maddy Tabor
Interested in donating artifacts or documents to the Museum? Contact Merrilee Lee for more information!
2023 Fort Atkinson Historical Society Board of Directors
General Board of Directors e-mail
Board Officers
Bill Camplin, President
Jenny Kalvaitis, Vice President
Josh Kline, Treasurer
Karen Gómez, Secretary
Elected Board Members
Lori Bocher
Bill Camplin
Karen Gómez
Denice Jones
Jenny Kalvaitis
Josh Kline
Laura Mathis
John Molinaro
Marie Nelson
Chris Rogers
Gary Thom
Standing Members
Kyle Jaeckel, City Council Representative
Steve Larson, National Dairy Shrine Representative
Merrilee Lee, Museum Director
Rebecca Houseman, City Manager
Emeritus Member
Milo Jones